Bitcoin: Download block headers only in Bitcoin Core?


Downloading Block Headers Only Using Bitcoin Core

When using Bitcoin Core, it is common for users to be interested in exploring blockchain data beyond viewing transactions. However, downloading entire blocks can be a significant undertaking due to their large size (around 1 MB). In this article, we will examine whether you can download block headers only from Bitcoin Core.

Why download only block headers?

There are several reasons why you might want to download block headers instead of full blocks:

  • Resource efficiency: Downloading block headers can be more resource efficient than downloading the entire block.
  • Debugging and analysis: Examining header-only data can provide valuable insights into your wallet activity or identify potential network issues.
  • Testing and Development: Developers may need to test their applications on a blockchain without actually transferring funds.

Using Bitcoin Core to Download Block Headers

Yes, it is only possible to download block headers from Bitcoin Core. Here are some steps you can follow:

Step 1: Launch Bitcoin Core

Make sure you are running the latest version of Bitcoin Core on your local machine. You can launch it by running bitcoin-qt --datadir ~/Desktop/btc (replacing /home/user/Desktop/btc with the actual path to the Bitcoin Core executable).

Step 2: Use the “–headers-only” option

You can download only the block headers with the following command:

bitcoin-qt --headers-only --datadir ~/Desktop/btc

The “–headers-only” option instructs Bitcoin Core to download and store only the header data, excluding the entire block transaction.

Step 3: Verify the downloaded data

You can verify that you downloaded the correct headers with a simple command:

bitcoin-qt --headers-only --datadir ~/Desktop/btc

cat ~/Desktop/btchistory.csv | tail -n 1

This will download and print the first block of data from the blockchain.


Downloading block headers using Bitcoin Core alone is a viable option for those who need to explore or analyze the blockchain without transferring funds. While this approach requires some technical knowledge, it can be an effective way to get started. Keep in mind that downloading block headers takes up significant disk space and may not be suitable for large-scale use.

Additional Resources

For more information on Bitcoin Core command line options, see the official [Bitcoin Core documentation] (

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