Our Topic is: “CPAgrip Self Clicking Method- Make $452 Daily”
As you can see, I made $452.63 In this Blog Post. I’m going to walk you through step by step how you can start getting conversions.
I have listened to most of your requests and comments about having issues with your conversions.
Understanding the Problem
In this Blog Post, I’m going to walk you through step by step on how you can fix that problem and start getting conversions instantly.
All you need to do is stay with me to the end of this video and do not skip.
Let me remind you about the topic “CPAgrip Self Clicking Method”
How To Start This CPAgrip Self Clicking Method
When you log into your CPA grip account or any other CPA Network, my video is targeting all CPA Networks.
All my strategies work on both all CPA Networks as well as Google AdSense, in case you have a monetized website and want to make money from your website.
The Struggle is Real
You guys have been seeing me performing a lot of magic, making a lot of money from this CPA grip.
No more, no conversion!
In case you have been trying your best and you’re not getting conversions, each and every time you try to perform a task, offers refuse to convert.
I have found a permanent solution for this problem, and I’m going to go ahead and walk you through that particular issue right In this Blog Post.
The Solution
If you have a $0 here, either you just created an account or you have been on this network for a very long time, trying your best, and you are still having $0 here.
This means that every single month, you are unable to withdraw money from the CPA Network into your local bank account.
But you keep seeing a lot of people withdrawing money to their own bank account, and you are probably envying them or feeling like you want to be like them, or you want to be like macro hustle TV, who is making a lot of dollars from cpagrip.com.
Getting Started
Now it is your turn to get started!
Now, as you can see here, over here, you can see monetization tools. Now you can also see offer tools. When you click on the offer tools, you’re going to see my offers.
I want you to pay attention here because this is where the problem starts from, and many of you guys don’t even understand. Now let’s click on my offers.
Okay, okay, now that you are in the offer section, the first thing you need to do is to click on all countries.
Let me remind you about the topic “CPAgrip Self Clicking Method”
The Secret to Success
Now, I want you to pay attention here because absolutely nobody on the Internet or YouTube making videos about CPA Networks will show you this secret I’m about to reveal.
If you come here, you can see categories; you’re going to come here and select IM Z submit. We’re going to be focusing on IM submit. I want to show you something.
Understanding Statistics
Okay, now let’s look at the show statistics. If you come here, you’re going to select today, right? Or you can even go ahead and choose 12 hours; I prefer to take 12 hours.
All right, or I can choose just today; can see we have six hours here. Okay, let me make it a little bit closer. Okay, so let me make it 6 hours, and I wait for this offer to load up.
Now, let’s wait; the offer is loading.
Let me remind you about the topic “CPAgrip Self Clicking Method”
Network Performance
Before this offer comes up, I want you to pay attention here. Note that Network performance is based on network-wide performance and factors in EPC and conversion rates.

This statement is generally making you understand that there is no 100% guarantee that each offer you click will give you a conversion.
Okay, there are some factors that determine whether you are going to get a conversion or not. This is the reason why I’ve been telling you guys that consistency is the mature key to making money from CPA Networks.
Right, so if you are just a beginner, there are so many factors that CPA Networks put in place to checkmate whether you are qualified to actually be getting conversions consistently or if you are just wanting to make money from the network.

Building Network Authority
This statement means that with time, your conversion rate will increase. Maybe you just started, and your account is brand new; you haven’t been consistent, and you haven’t even done anything on the internet on this CPA Network.
You haven’t been recognized, and this is what we call Network Authority. So, you don’t need to panic that your conversion isn’t converting; it is converting for a lot of people.
Let me remind you about the topic “CPAgrip Self Clicking Method”
But what you need to do is be consistent; if you keep trying this and it’s not converting for you, the only secret is to keep trying. The more you try, the more you build Authority, and the more you build trust.
And you wouldn’t know when it’s going to blow up, and then the conversion will start dropping every single minute.
Understanding Performance
Let me go ahead and show you more information to confirm this statement. If I reduce this and come over here, you’re going to see my EPC; you can see my performance.
Now, let’s look at my performance; my performance is showing 0%, meaning I haven’t done anything. Now, the CPA network is going to be judging your account as a novice, a new account that doesn’t have an audience, authority, or traffic source.
Building Audience and Trust
Even if you know where you’re going to get your traffic sources, you’ll automatically source this traffic audience gradually. They will need time to build your audience before they can guarantee that your audience can patronize the network or platform.

This is the aspect of my performance based on three days. Then, let’s look at my EPC; my average earning per click Revenue over click is $0. This is a brand new account; no one knows you; you haven’t earned at all.
Let me remind you about the topic “CPAgrip Self Clicking Method”
So, what gives you the mind that the moment you perform a task, you’ll get a conversion? You perform again, get conversion? I think I’ve made mention of this several times; even me, as a CPA self-clicking expert, there are times I perform a task, and zero, nothing converts.
So, this is to tell you that there is no one that can actually determine your conversion rate unless you build authority on your account.
Taking Action
So, what I’m going to do right now is go ahead and pick off and then go ahead and convert it, and hopefully, maybe it will convert, and then you guys will see.
And if you fail to convert, then I will also show you guys. So, let’s get started. This is IM submit, and this is going to pay us $2. I’m going to go after this; I want more money.
Let me remind you about the topic “CPAgrip Self Clicking Method”
So, when I click on the payout option right here, you can see that I have another image. This one pays $5; this one is for Apple iOS.
Let me look; this one is $240 Cent; this one is for desktop. I prefer desktop; I’m going to go ahead and click on it, and this is a very offer.
So, if I do this, I’m going to come here and copy the link of this offer, and then the next thing I’m going to do is go ahead and pick the IP or proxy that I want to connect. Coming over right here on also.
Setting Up Proxy and Browser
All you need to do is create a proxy profile, and you’re going to go ahead and select Germany. I have Germany here; click on it, and then you’re going to go and select state, select City, and all of that.
I already created a Germany profile, so I’m going to come back here to my proxy P and once I come back here, I see I have Germany; this particular one is here, then we have another Germany residential.
So let me go ahead and click on this one, Germany for mobile, okay? This is Wireless Hotspot; when I click on it, you’re going to see my port number and then my IP address.
Now, I’m going to go ahead and copy these details over here.
Let me remind you about the topic “CPAgrip Self Clicking Method”
Copying and Pasting Details
What I’m going to do now is come here, like this; let me copy this information; let me copy from here all the way from here.
I’m copying everything from here now, so I’m going to go ahead and right-click; this will not work, so I’m going to come here, copy this IP, and I’m going to come to an online notepad.
Coming over here on the online notepad, I’m going to go ahead and paste the IP, and I’m going to come back again, right over here; I’m going to copy the username and also come back to notepad, right here, and paste the username.
Coming over here again, I’m going to copy the password and come back to the online notepad; I’m going to come here and paste the password.
Opening Anti-Detect Browser
Once I do this, the next thing is to open my anti-detect browser. Right over here on my anti-detect browser, you can see that I have a profile that I’ve already created over here.
You’re going to come straight to this part session where you need to select the kind of browser that you want; I’m going to use Chrome browser, okay? Selecting this, I’m going to select this one; I’ve already downloaded, and I’m going to come here and select the operating system, which is Windows.
The offer I want to convert is Windows from Germany, and then I already have the IP and the proxy number and the port number.
Configuring Browser Settings
Then, I’m going to come right here and select the user agent; very important. After that, you’re going to make sure that you have your cookie cleared up, and then coming over to the proxy section where you need to put in the IPs that you have copied.
Right over, you can see proxy type is no proxy; local network, I’m not using my local network to have access to the internet; I want to change my location from where I am now to another location, which is Germany.
So, I’m going to come here and leave it on custom and select this one as HTTP.
Configuring Proxy Settings
Then, I will leave this one as the IP Checker as the way it is; then, I’m going to come here to the port host.
Okay, so once I come to the port and host right here, I’m going to select the IP; okay, from here, and if I have done that, I’m going to come back here and paste the IP.
Then, I’ll go back again and copy the port number; okay, copy everything correctly, then come back again and paste the port number.
Okay, now you can now see that our port number is in; then, I’m coming back again to copy the username, right? Like this; okay, let me make sure that I select everything correctly, and I’m going to copy that, and I’m going to come back here and paste the username.
And then, the next thing is to copy the password, and then copying the password, I will come back also right here and paste the password.
Checking Proxy Connection
Then, the next thing before I will click on okay is to come back here and click on check proxy, and let us see if; okay, you can see now that uh connection test failed.
I’m going to go ahead and click on it again and see if this problem still persists.
I’m going to go ahead and do something about it; okay, you can see now; okay, good; you can see that even though you should convert, uh connection failed, you can see now that repeating it again actually solved the problem, and you can see now that I’m correctly connected to Germany right over here.
Important Note
Now, the next thing you need to pay attention here; whenever you are actually connecting your IP and you check your connection here, please; this message is also to those that are in my premium package.
Okay, if you’re my premium package and you’re watching this video and you’re having a problem with conversion, I want you to take note of this; okay, because this is going to also increase your chances of getting conversion.
Okay, now if you come here, you are going to see the IP; now, you’re going to see the actual IP that you’re going to be connected to in Germany.
Okay, now, in most cases, you are going to find out that inside of IP, like this, that will be given to you, alphabet, as the way it is; okay, both combination of symbols and numbers will be put together as your IP.
So, please, whenever you are checking your connectivity like this, and you see something like that, a fake IP, you need to pause; you need to stop because that is not the real IP, and it will not give you the desired results.
Okay, so you’re going to make sure that you have an IP that looks like this, and then, if that is done, you’re going to go ahead and click on okay.
Changing Device Information
But wait, you need to do something else; you need to change the device information, which is the computer itself.
Okay, cuz configuring to a particular location, and you still share your personal computer details to CPA Network automatically; you are going to get yourself cut or get yourself kicked out of the CPA Network.
Protecting Your Personal Information
Okay, so coming over here, we’ll click on the advance session, and then you’re going to come here, and you’re going to simply go ahead and look for device name; okay, so I think I have Mark address, and then I have device name here.
So toggle this device name and also toggle the MAC address; voila, this is all that you need to do in order for you to guarantee yourself 100% assured that your conversion is going to start dropping in just a few seconds.
And don’t, okay, pull yourself over this, because you need to be consistent in whatever that we are doing, performing tasks regularly, okay? And then, within a few days, you’re going to see yourself getting conversion very quickly.
CPA Network Dashboard
So I’m going to go ahead and click on okay; okay, guys, so before we go ahead and perform this task, let me show you something also right over here.
We are going to be looking at the dashboard; okay, which is the screenshot that CPA grip is given for this particular offer. I can see Amazon; okay, all right, right over here, 1,000 Heroes.
Now, let me take you to the anti-detect browser, and the offer that will open exactly the same landing page. Coming over here, you’re going to see now is the same thing; no different, Amazon, 1,000 Heroes.
Now, you are being asked, are you 18 years older or older? You’re going to go ahead and click on yes, and once you click on yes,
please guys, take note of this:
Not all offers that convert, and not all offers on CPA Network are legit; some of them are viruses; some of the offers that you think that you want to perform and make a whooping, okay, $40, $50;
Some of them, guys, are scrabs; okay, they are there to just steal personal data from your own computer, which is why I have to take this to your notice so that you have to be very careful and the kind of offer you perform.
I prefer to even perform 10 tasks of the offer that will pay me $1 or even $2 and then make money instead of performing a task for $40, and the offer will not convert; yet, they have access to my computer to actually steal my personal information. So you have to take note of that, guys.
Entering Personal Information
Then, if you are done by answering that particular question, you’re going to basically come right over here; congratulations, enter winning details.
So you’re going to say Mister or woman, whichever information that you have; let me use Mister, and I’m going to go ahead and enter my name.
So let me type macro right; macro hustle; I’m going to type macro hustle here, and then here, you are going to go ahead and put in your email address; okay, and when you put in your email address, you’re going to check this BX so that you can actually go ahead and click on okay further; okay.
So let me go ahead and enter my personal email address; address, okay; let’s say macro hustle TV 1 2 3 4; okay, and then I’m going to enter this gmail.com, and then I’m going to come here and click on further; okay, can see that everything goes smoothly now.
This is going to take you straight to the next page; all right, if everything works out fine, you’re going to be taken straight to the next page, and you can see now that the page is loading itself.
So let’s give it a little time, guys; so you can see now that we have been taken to step two, guys, but I want to draw your attention, guys; I’ve always been telling you that the moment you have entered the information that is required for that offer, your offer is expected to have converted.
Completing CPA Offers: Avoiding Account Issues
Whether you have completed the offer or not, the only implication is that after you have seen your conversion and the offer did not okay, you did not complete the information required of you, then there’s chances that your account will be put on notice.
Okay, this means that you, they begin to track your account to know whether you are actually doing it yourself or people are doing it based on the uh information that we are sharing on the internet driving traffic to their Network.
Step Two: Entering Poster Code and Address
Okay, so you can see now I taken to step two. Okay, let me go ahead and walk you through this particular step two before I go ahead and check my dashboard if the offer has already converted.
So coming over here you can see our poster code location Street okay birthday, all these are just information that has no relationship with the conversion of your offer.
Okay, but the poster code and the street is very important, which is why I’m going to go ahead and walk you through that now.
Using Premium Package Resources
Coming over to this script, which is what I share only to those that are in my premium package right, you’ll be able to get access to the poster code that you actually connected to with your IP.
So coming over here, I’m going to go ahead and copy this information. Okay, the poster code is 65549. Okay, I’ll come back here and enter that poster code 65549.
And then the next thing is street. So I’m going to come here, you can see that we have City here. All right, so I’m supposed to copy the city right over here.
Okay, so once copy the city, then you’re going to come here and copy the country as well. Okay, this is going to put together as your add address.
Entering City and Country
Okay, so once you’ve copied the city and country, you can enter them into the address field. Okay, this is going to put together as your add address.
Okay, so let’s type this. All right, guys, you can see now that I’ve entered the address, and whenever you are entering the address, since this is Germany, if you put English words as the address, Ora, you are implicating yourself. Okay, you need to put the address in the same language.
Okay, this is the only way you can actually prove that you’re actually in that country. Of course, you and I know that nobody in that particular country will write their address in English.
Completing the Form
Okay, so all your address, because this is what we mean by local address of the resident location where you claim you are in. Okay, so I’m going to go ahead and leave it there.
Okay, enter the date of birth can be random, everything can be random, and okay, let’s reduce this right, and then you come here and enter your phone number of that country. Okay, then, if you come here, you’re going to enter the number of the address.
So let me enter 89 right, so that is also taken. You can see that every other information is 100% valid. Then the next thing is to check yes, and then you’re going to go ahead and click on further.
Next Steps
Okay, guys, as you can see now, it has taken me to step three. You can see, check first one good, the second one we passed it, then the third one we are here.
I want to go ahead and show you my dashboard if the offer converted, then before we can actually proceed to go ahead and complete the rest of the information.
Remember, I told you that these ones are not really very important or does not have relevance to your conversion rate. Okay, so let me take you to my dashboard and show you if this offer converted.
Conversion Success and Next Steps
So you can see the offer converted, and you can see exactly $240 that converted right over here. But you don’t need to start getting over excited over this, because you have not completed the form.
You need to go ahead and complete the form. So you need to come here and start completing the form. What is the implication if the offer form did not, you did not complete it?
Now, if you continue to complete this task and the offer continues to convert, and you did not complete this form, the chances that your account is going to be blown off, blocked, or even terminated completely, before your earning date, okay, your withdrawal date right.
Every month, they check your account to make sure that you are following their guidelines and everything is in order. Okay, if you meet the withdrawal threshold, you’re going to go ahead and withdraw your money successfully.
But in case, if you did not miss the threshold, maybe one or two errors have been taken, then your account.
Consider using the CPAgrip self-clicking method, a powerful tool for affiliate marketers. With this technique, you can generate clicks and conversions effortlessly, maximizing your CPA marketing strategies.
But how does it work? Our CPAgrip tutorial will guide you through the process, showing you how to use the self-clicking script and auto-clicker software to your advantage. Plus, learn how to avoid click fraud and optimize your conversion rates with our expert tips.
As a seasoned affiliate marketer, I can attest to the effectiveness of CPAgrip. It’s a game-changer for anyone looking to succeed in the online marketing space. And with our CPA marketing resources and tools, you’ll be well on your way to achieving success.
So why wait? Join our CPAgrip affiliate network today and start earning the income you deserve. With our self-clicking method, you’ll be generating clicks and conversions in no time. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to take your online business to the next level.
Remember, success in affiliate marketing requires the right strategies and tools. That’s why we’re committed to providing you with the best CPA marketing training and support. Join us today and start achieving your online income goals!”
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q: What happens if I don’t complete the required information for a CPA offer?
A: If you don’t complete the required information, your account is guaranteed to get blocked.
Q: How can I get help with CPA marketing and making money online?
A: You can join the Micro Hustle TV mentorship package for one-on-one training and guidance.
Q: How can I contact Micro Hustle TV for more information or support?
A: You can click on the contact us page to see the WhatsApp number and connect with us directly.
Q: What is the benefit of joining the Micro Hustle TV mentorship package?
A: You will receive one-on-one training and guidance on CPA marketing and making money online, and have the opportunity to win giveaways and prizes.
Q: How can I win the $500 giveaway?
A: Make sure to drop up to five comments in each video and be hopeful that you will be among the winners selected at the end of the month.
Conclusion on CPAgrip Self Clicking Method- Make $452 Daily
If you don’t complete the required information, your account is guaranteed to get blocked. Okay, so this is all that you need in this video.
If you have any questions, ask me in the comment section; I’m more than happy to answer all your questions. Make sure you drop a comment for the giveaway that we are giving out; okay.
make sure you drop up to five comments in each video that you are going to be seeing any moment from now, and then be hopeful that the moment we reach the end of the month and try to pick our winners, you are going to be among them that will win this whooping $500.
About Micro Hustle TV
This is Macro Hustle TV, in this website, we focus more on teaching you how to make money online, affiliate marketing, CPA marketing tips, and tricks that can help you scale up and grow your business online.
Join the Mentorship Package
If you want to join my one-on-one mentorship training course on CPA marketing, where I will hold you by the hand and walk you through the entire process, just like what you are seeing on our video.
then go ahead and join my mentorship package by clicking on this website link right here, or you can go ahead and click on the contact us page; I’m going to see my.
WhatsApp number and connect with me through WhatsApp; I’m going to be connecting with you in less than a few seconds. I’ll see you guys in my next POST. Peace!