I tried EARNING $595.34 NEW Every Day Self Clicking CPAgrip Email Offer only ( it worked?)


I tried EARNING $595.34 Every Day Self Clicking CPAgrip Email Offer only ( it worked?)

in this article I will show you step by step this blog post is I tried it series and in this particular post we’re going to go ahead and try exactly how you can be able to make money.

We’re going to be able to see if actually you’re going to be able to make money from this actual method by self clicking CPA offers.

okay and be able to receive your money in your dashboard we are going to go ahead and try it and see if it’s going to work all right I started this I tried it series just because of you guys.


if you want to watch the complete video? Click Here

Why Make Money With This CPA Marketing Method


Because, I want to make sure that you guys are carried along and you are also going to be able to follow me, watch me do exactly what I am doing behind the scene.

So that I can be able to understand where you are making mistake and where you are going to take your correction and be able to make money with CPA marketing without wasting much of your time.

let’s dive right into the article,  all right I’m going to go ahead and right click here and then I’m going to click on the reload button right here and you’re are going to see that the money I have made is stilling at $593 3 right over here okay now

Self Clicking CPAgrip Email Offer

I’m going to come here at the top

I’m going to go ahead

and click on the reload button

right there

so that you can also go ahead and refresh this page for the second time so that I can see the actual money that I have already made right now.

I want you to understand that a lot of people are making money with CPA marketing as well as any other affiliate marketing platform such as

  • CJ Commission Junction
  • shareasale
  • CPA build
  • OGads

and so many other CPA Network out there all right so guys now what I’m going to do right here is screw up and you’re going to see we have at least two important parts that can actually.

click in order for you to go ahead and make money from this the first one is monetization two session and then the second one is offer two session.

3 PARTS IN THIS Self Clicking CPAgrip Email Offer

now in this particular video we are going to do three things all right we’re going to do three things

  1. the first thing is I’m going to go ahead and  show you exactly what I did and then
  2. I’m going to go ahead and perform the task in the second part I’m going to go ahead and perform the task and then
  3. in the third part I am going to go ahead and share my opinion

and also so share a platform where you can get 100% valid list of emails with password.

This email list you can actually go ahead and log in into the dashboard and be able to use the email and be able to perform task with CPA marketing even if you’re not the one creating the email


then the second option in case if you are struggling to get email because the moment I drop this email list so many of you guys are going to start using them

okay and if you have exhausted this email and want to create a brand new email all right what you’re going to do is to go ahead and create email by yourself or you can pay someone from any freelancing platforms like.

  • sproutgigs
  • upwork
  • freelancer


there are these are freelancing platforms where you can actually go ahead and pay people and then are going to go ahead and create unlimited email for you from different countries okay and this will enable you to go ahead and perform task with CPA marketing and make money every single day so guys what we going to do here is to click on the offer two session and then we’re going to come here to my offer section go ahead and click on it but what I’m going to do here is to right click on it and then open this on a new tab okay so once you

(03:48) open this on a new tab what I’m going to do next is to go ahead and select the kind of offer that we want to perform remember that we targeting email L offer so let me go ahead and show you exactly how I can be able to pick this email list offer and be able to make money out of this email list offer so if I come here now you can see that we are currently in our default country so what I’m going to do first is to screw down here and type United States once you type United States then you’re going to go ahead and


wait so that the United State list of offers are going to pull out for you and then you’re going to go ahead and be able to perform the task okay the next thing you are going to do is to look for the kind of offer as you can see em zip offer is there mobile install is there there are so many other type of offers that are supposed to be there but because of this period there are still so many offers that are being hidden and CPA Network are not showing those particular offers but let’s focus on EMA zip offers so let me screw down here and


wait for this to finish loading so guys as as you can see here on my screen we have EMA Z submit offers we have mobile installed offers so I’m going to go ahead and Target okay EMA submit offers okay this one will pay you $231 so let me go ahead and click on it or you can see this one that will pay $222 all right let me go ahead and grab this one and then once you click on it then the next thing you’re are going to do guys is to go ahead and copy the link of this offer okay guys so I’m going to go ahead


and click on this particular offer but that is the offer that I want us to go ahead and perform you can see right over here we are going to get paid a whooping $231 I’m going to go ahead and screw down here and copy the link of this particular offer Okay click on it and copy this then the next thing you’re going to do guys is to go ahead and create a landing page with this brand new link of this offer that you just copied okay now watch me do that step by step because we are going to make sure that we try this from beginning to the


end and be sure that we are going to be able to make money okay and also if we’re not going to make money then we are going to also see everything live on this particular video okay because so many people have tried this method but probably it’s not working for them or something along the line happens and then anything could be the error that you are getting and that is why it’s other you’re not making the money or you are currently making the money some of you guys that are watching this video

(06:35) are already making this money and they just silent so many people make money but they don’t want to tell others how they making their own money right so what I’m going to do now after copying the link of this offer okay is so go ahead and create a simple landing page and any landing page builder can actually solve this problem either you’re using cora.


com you’re using any other platform like system.io these are platforms that can actually go ahead and create a landing page but in this video let’s go ahead and use free Google site platform okay so guys here we have Google site platform this will help you to go ahead and create a simple landing page and it doesn’t require any technical skill all you just need to do is just to click on this blank plus right here and then once you click on it just give it a little time and then you’re going to be able to see where you’re going to drop link right on this


site okay so here we have the platform open and what you need to do is to go ahead and click on insert test box once you click on insert test box it’s very important that you just type anything of your choice if for example you don’t have anything in your mind you want to type you can go ahead and type a random test like this and then go ahead and hyperlink your test on it but we’re not going to do that let me just type something meaningful make money okay with macro okay macro hle all right so this is going to


be exactly the test that we need so I’m going to delete this one and make a space then I’m going to come here highlight everything here and then make it B the next thing is to click on this insert link remember we copied link directly from our CPA build I’m going to go ahead and paste it here and click on apply this is easy there’s no much technicality there’s no much work there’s no much design this is exactly what you need to do and then you’re going to come here and click on publish


okay once you click on publish you’re going to remember that you have a test caption that you have already placed so I’m going to say make money with mcro okay that is just going to be the the link okay that I’m going to use I’m going to come here and click on publish all right once you click on publish then your link of this landing page is going to be ready click on view then in this way you can now go ahead and copy the link of this landing page and then proceed with the next step okay the next step is how to perform the task


and then so the last step is for me to go ahead and share my personal opinion what I feel how I feel about it about CPA self clicking and how you can be able to leave Lage this idea in order for you to make passive income for yourself all right and remember I’m also going to be sharing a site where you can get free valid list of emails Gmail only not any other random email only Gmail guys okay so this is your landing page go ahead and copy this landing page and then we’re going to go ahead and proceed


to The Next Step so guys what you need to do next is to go ahead and verify your location and as you can see right here on the screen my location is fully verified I’m currently connected to the United States of America so the next thing is to go ahead and click on empty Tab and then go ahead and paste the link of the offer okay so once you past the link of the uh landing page I’m going to Simply come here and Enter key once you enter key give it a little time because we want to see how this offer is going


to look like if it will appear like exact ly the same offer that we saw on the landing page and then we can go ahead and proceed performing this task so guys right here the landing page is open so what you’re going to go ahead and click on it on this link and then the offer is going to go ahead and open for you okay guys so taking you back to the offer itself from CPA grip platform you can see exactly how the landing page will look like and then bringing you back to where the offer opens okay you can also say that exactly what we have


there is what you are seeing here on the screen okay so now how can you perform this task in order for you to get conversion and make money okay as you can see okay days left we have zero we have two times reward left which is 50 and you’re going to go ahead and end my two times reward okay and then once you screw down you’re going to see that we have no other information can see get a quick start okay now all these are not necessary can get a quick start they’re not necessary all right so let’s come


here and see if you can get a reward get 2 * $500 all summer long that is instruction that you need to follow because so many of you guys want to perform task you are going to go ahead and start performing task without reading what is on the landing page this is what exactly CPA Advertiser not even the CPA Network demand there must be something they want you to do and that is why it is called performing the task completing task all right so you can see limited time ends August 31 all right so we’re going to come here and click on


enter okay when you click on this button let’s wait for this offer to open now you can see now sign up now and the next thing you’re are going to be asked to do is to go ahead and enter your email address and this is where the main problem comes because so many of you guys don’t even know how to get a valid email and you’re going to go ahead and start scrapping email online from random sites okay which is not going to work because it is a rehum being who is advertising this particular product and


they want to get three people that will do the task and then they pay them this money all right there actually some of them one thing you guys need to understand is that not really that you are going to make this money or there’s additional thing that the advertiser want but because they are trying to send traffic to their landing page their own website okay they’re trying to build Authority on their website all right that is why they’re advertising most of this landing page and what they just want is to be sure that re human being


is actually visiting their landing page all right so the next thing is to go ahead and get a valid email address okay so guys after copying the email that I want to use I’m going to come here and write click and then go ahead and click on paste as blank test all right now if you cop pay your email address from somewhere and you paste the link or you paste that email directly by using this button guys this is also another mistake because you’re going to do a lot of editing on that particular test sometimes when you copy some other


information might copy along with that particular test that I’m going to come come here without formatting copy and paste blank test okay once you do that you can see that there will be no space in front of the test and there will be no space at the back back of the test all these are very important all right so once you do this then the next I’m going to do is so go ahead and click on continue button once you click on the continue button guys so let’s just allow the network to do its own processing but


I must assure you that at this stage your conversion has already taking place so guys at this point I’m not going to do anything I’m going to log to my CPA uh grip account and then show you my dashboard if the money has been added to it okay then I’m also going to go ahead and share my final opinion and then I’m going to go ahead and share the email of the email list that I use okay okay guys as you can see on my screen the money added successfully without any challenge I’m going to come here click on the


reload button you can see now that the money added successfully so what we going to do now is to come here on the top and also click on the reload button once again guys you can see that the money is still there okay so go ahead and perform the task according to what you see me doing right here in this video step by step and do not skip any part so that I can also go ahead and make money for yourself now my opinion in case if you are performing task with CPA Network any CPA Network guys I have discovered that one thing you must do is


to make sure that the information you are providing is legit authentic and valid in case if you are collecting information random like for example address okay phone number email address all these information you need to make sure that this information are 100% valid okay you can get valid information other from real human being not scrapping the ones online all right there are places where you can get re information for example if you want to get re names of someone you can actually get them from Facebook if you enter Facebook can search for


list you can search for people on on Facebook and you’re going going to get the reame and the read address re phone number from Facebook in my next video I’m going to show you guys exactly how you can be able to get information or people’s data on Facebook Twitter Instagram and so many other live chat sites okay cuz people are live there those people living in the United States living in the United Kingdom they live on those platforms you can actually get their information and use it to perform task and make money for yourself guys


okay guys this is my simple opinion and if you have any question or you have your own personal opinion I want you to drop it in the comment session I’m more than happy to answer all your questions guys this is mcro hustle TV in this particular Channel we make videos on how you can be able to make money online affiliate marketing tips and tricks that can help you to scale up and grow your business online if you want to join my one-on-one mentorship training course where I will hold you by hands walk you through all the obstacles all the rough


ways and then you can be able to start making money on your own go ahead and send me WhatsApp message or send me email directly I’m going to be connecting with you in less than few seconds if you are new here smash the Subscribe button turn on the Bell icon and once we publish a new video you are going to get notified as up all right I will see you guys in my next video Peace So guys this is the platform where you’re going to get valid list of emails

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